Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash

Are You Addicted to Self-Help?

Jorn Veenstra


Like many others, I’ve been climbing the Maslow pyramid for a while. As soon as you have one thing sorted in life, you can move on to the next. First you need to take care of your basic needs, than you move on to safety and relationships and then comes self-esteem and self-actualization.

The most important and basic thing Maslow’s theory teaches us, is you can’t skip a level in this pyramid. In the past, when we didn’t have access to the Internet yet, this was a no-brainer. It was pretty much impossible to cheat the system.

This has changed.

When you have your basic needs sorted (physiological and safety) you can go on the internet and start off with self-actualization. You can watch videos of guru’s who talk about meditation, spiritual transcendence, and many other “advanced” topics.

You can indulge yourself in self-help, if you want. The web is full of articles, video’s and podcasts on how to be a better version of yourself. They range from productivity to how to deal with failure to building strong relationships.

I believe in self-help. I believe it can truly help, and be a source of inspiration, motivation or empowerment to push or pull you through rough times or insecurities.

I still get inspired by others, to work on my self, and to…



Jorn Veenstra

Empowering people. Creating new perspective. Providing guidance in the chaos we call life. Check out my new page: